Monday, September 13, 2010

Hari Malaysia Advert abt Our Constitution - The Star 15/09

Have a meaningful
Hari Malaysia

The author of An Introduction to the Constitution of Malaysia, our Lord President from 1974 to 1982, an exemplary, towering and honourable Malaysian - Tun Mohamed Suffian Hashim 1917 - 2000

What is to be done?

Return to our Unity Document;
the Constitution

Our constitution is our Document of Unity. It is our written Social Contract.

It defines our legal, political and social life. It provides the foundation on which our nation and Rakyat rest. It tells us who we are, our responsibilities, freedom and rights. It characterizes how we became One, how we formed a nation, first as Malaya in 1957 and Malaysia in 1963.

It is a balancing act, bringing together a myriad group of people from differing backgrounds, wealth and locations into a peaceful society. It is written with love, care and pragmatism. Our constitution’s overriding goal is to create a nation of happy, performing and prosperous people. It defines who gets what, when, how, where and why.

The spirit of our constitution is one of tolerance, compassion and compromise. Through this spirit it unites the old and the new, idealism and realism, the native and the foreign. It unites, us.

Our Constitution is one of the most important formative forces of our society. Yet we have neglected this document of Unity. It is not taught in schools and institutions of higher learning as standard curriculum. Even the educated and the leaders amongst us are clueless of its content, meaning and implications. It is a document we must know deeply, understand and appreciate.

We fail to appreciate the pain, hard work, and compromise that our forefathers carved into this Social Contract that has provided the basis of more than 50 years of political stability, economic prosperity and an exemplary record of people of differing backgrounds living in peace.

Our Document of Unity shows us how to breathe the spirit of give and take in our daily actions. To know that we have enough for everyone’s need but not for anyone’s greed, no one gets everything, but everyone gets something.

We need to breathe back that spirit. We need to reaffirm this Social Contract. We need to go back to our Constitution of 57 – Our Document of Unity.

At zubedy our programs draw strength from shared values and traditions. We believe at the heart, all Malaysians want good things for themselves and for their brother and sister Malaysians simply because our nation cannot prosper as a whole if some of us are left behind.

Let us add value,

Have A Meaningful Hari Malaysia

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Do the right thing for UNITY - Hari Raya Advert, Tomorrow Full page The Star

Have A Meaningful

A great scholar who promoted the understanding of people of different faith and background - Fazlur Rahman Malik 1919-1988

What is to be done?
Do the right thing for Unity.

  1. We nurture our hearts and minds to see ourselves as first and foremost a Malaysian, then only our race or state.
  2. We speak up for all Malaysians regardless of race, not just for our own communities.
  3. We support affirmative action for all who are poor and needy – to eradicate poverty regardless of race.
  4. We nurture institutions that are not based on race or religion especially in party politics. As such, we encourage the merger of race and religion based parties (either in their constitutional make-up or membership) and promotes the direct membership to Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat.
  5. We focus our talent and energy to develop and enlarging our economic cake, not argue who gets the bigger slice.
  6. We help each other in business and transfer knowledge and skills from one community to the other without the need of government intervention.
  7. We do not introduce racism to our children both at home or in school.
  8. We respect, learn and try to understand the religions of our fellow Malaysians.
  9. We remain true to our Constitution – accepting it in total and not pick and choose out of context to suit an argument.
  10. We ask for forgiveness ‘zahir dan batin’ from all the hurt we may have caused the other especially those in the form of racial slur and religious intolerance.

At zubedy our programs draw strength from shared values and traditions. We believe at the heart, all Malaysians want good things for themselves and for their brother and sister Malaysians simply because our nation cannot prosper as a whole if some of us are left behind.

Have A Meaningful Aidilfitri

zubedy (m) sdn bhd