Sunday, February 21, 2021



Many innocent Malaysians of all ethnicities are not aware…
That … If there is one thing the hard-core right-wing Malay politicians and the hard-core right-wing Non-Malay politicians have in common – is how they see Ketuanan Melayu.

THEY BOTH BELIEVE, PROMOTE AND PROPAGATE THAT KETUANAN MELAYU IS ABOUT MALAY SUPERIORITY AND NOTHING ELSE. They both want you to believe in this distortion so that they can get support from their innocent and perhaps naïve followers. They love the idea that Ketuanan Melayu is about superiority of one race over the other. THEY ARE BOTH IN CAHOOTS IN THIS – FOR POLITICAL MILEAGE.

They refuse to allow or to contemplate that Ketuanan Melayu could be something else. They work hard to keep their version popular.
Ketuanan Melayu IS NOT ABOUT MALAY SUPERIORITY over others.

Do not believe in either of them. The notion of Ketuanan Melayu did not just appear in recent years. It has historical basis, existing in Tanah Melayu since hundreds if not thousands (Kedah Tua) of years ago. In Malay historical culture and language, the term Ketuanan Melayu originates from the word ‘Tuanku’ – a title reserved for Malay rulers since the early days of our society. Ketuanan Melayu thus can be seen as a contraction of the phrase ‘Ketuanan Raja-raja Melayu’, the sovereignty of the Malay Rulers.

Ketuanan Melayu = ‘Malay Sovereignty’ – That is derived from Kedaulatan Raja-Raja Melayu.

In the first place do the Malays see themselves as superior?

Any Malay Muslim kid in Malaysia by about 10 years old would know the story of Bilal the Ethiopian slave who was given the honour to be the first to Azan, the call of prayer – which today is the name of the muezzin – the one who calls Muslims to prayer from the minaret of a mosque. When he went up to make the first call to prayer, some of those in the community asked that the honour be given to someone else.

But Prophet Muhammad reminded them that God does not see the physical manifestation, but judges the purity of the heart. In Islam, there is no preference between Arab and non-Arab, slave or no slave, black or white. Later, a Quranic verse confirms Prophet Muhammad’s position in Quran 49:13.

Smart Malaysians must make a choice. Stop supporting politicians FROM BOTH SIDES who use this distorted version of Ketuanan Melayu.

Tell them off. Correct those who use it wrongly.

Peace, anas

Thursday, February 18, 2021

#RasuahBusters : A PEOPLE’S CAMPAIGN AGAINST CORRUPTION - by Chandra Muzaffar


Veteran journalist, Hussamuddin Yaacub, has launched a people’s campaign to fight corruption in Malaysia. This is the first time that such an initiative has emerged from the citizenry --- though specific NGOs have in the past targeted specific aspects of corruption or specific transgressions.

Hussamuddin has always been known and respected as an independent journalist who is not linked to any political party or ideological tendency. His campaign is a response to the perception that corruption has become more pervasive in our society. It highlights the impact of this scourge upon the people and why they should combat it for the sake of the nation and its future.
Called “RasuahBusters”, the campaign will be guided by the Malaysian Constitution, the Rukunegara and the shared values of honesty and integrity embodied in all our religious teachings. A decentralised campaign, all Malaysians are invited to participate in it. They can develop their own initiatives and strategies. The ultimate goal is not only to eliminate corruption but also to create a truly ethical and moral society that we can all be proud of.
In a campaign of this sort a balanced perspective on what we have done so far in combating corruption is important. It is significant that Malaysia was the first country in the Global South to establish a separate agency to fight corruption in 1967 and to formulate specific laws for this purpose. It is also a matter of some pride that one of the earliest scholars in the post-war decades world-wide to focus upon corruption as a blight upon society was Malaysia’s own Syed Hussein Alatas who had authored several books on the subject.
Over the years, a number of Malaysians with power and wealth have been tried and convicted for various forms of corruption. There is also a general awareness of how destructive corruption is. And yet it persists as a social cancer. What explains this?
Among the variety of reasons one can cite is the intertwining of politics and business which began even before Merdeka. Individuals in business funded elections and political party activities. By the early seventies ‘money politics’ became an established practice both in intra-party and inter-party contests with candidates sometimes backed by business people using money lavishly to secure seats and to mobilise support. Money politics ran parallel with bribes offered to decision-makers in the public and private sectors for approval of projects and contracts in a resource-rich, expanding economy with unlimited opportunities for acquisition and accumulation. In this expanding economy neither accountability nor transparency gained much traction. Besides, the ruling-elite buttressed by elements in the public and private sectors exercised overwhelming political power for most of the six decades it was at the helm. A political culture which frowned upon the interrogation of power exacerbated the situation. The ethos spawned by such a political culture and the structures of authority integral to it created an environment which was conducive to the growth of corruption, especially elite corruption. If anything, an increasingly materialistic, consumer-oriented society with decreasing commitment to ethics and moral principles has made it even more difficult to curb corruption and the conditions that contribute to its spread.
Given these trends and developments over a period of time, Malaysians should not be surprised that corruption has become such a serious ailment in our society. Pious platitudes from the elites including academics and activists will not check the spread of the vice. Even tougher laws may not help especially if it does not lead to a genuine change in human behaviour. In recent years we have also discovered that a change in government is not a guarantee that the new leadership will refrain from corruption and other misdeeds. The real test is when a leader chooses to do what is right even if it undermines his own interests.
If electoral change, laws and persuasion do not lead to a corruption free society, shouldn’t one turn to the people, that is, ask the people to do what they can to usher in a society with a stronger commitment to what is right. Let the people lead the quest for a corruption-free society ! This is perhaps what Hussamuddin is trying to do. He is hoping that popular consciousness, a people’s determination to rid society of the scourge of corruption will hold the key to success. It is true when mass consciousness reaches a critical point no force on earth can stop it from achieving its goal.
Let us therefore support the RasuahBusters with our own energy and efforts so that a corruption free Malaysia becomes a reality!
Dr Chandra Muzaffar has initiated anti-corruption endeavours since the early eighties.
Kuala Lumpur.
18 February 2021.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021




Dear friends and family. A group of friends and I got together to form #RasuahBusters Our team leader is Dato' Hussamuddin Yaacub the owner of Karangkraf. We need your help to spread our message to your friends and family too. 

We are also hopeful that you will join us as a #RasuahBusters. Please find the basic info from our team leader's letter to you below.

Thank you. Peace, anas


15th February, 2021

Dear Malaysians,

Peace be with you.


We are calling out to all Malaysians to join us and be an agent of change for #RasuahBusters.

1. What is #RasuahBusters?

#RasuahBusters is a campaign to eradicate corruption in Malaysia - bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, influence peddling, graft and embezzlement. It includes grand versus petty corruption, conventional versus unconventional corruption and public versus private corruption.

2. Why must we do this?

Corruption is bad for society and business. It does not promote the best use of economic resources. Corruption guarantees that the wrong person gets the job. 

Productivity means using the least resources to produce the most results. Corruption gets in the way of productivity as more resources than necessary are spent. When the wrong person gets the job, the final product or service is never at its best; and often-times they are not even up to par. 

When bribes are paid, when someone who should not get the job gets it because of corruption, everyone loses, even the very people that got the bribe and the project. The one who receives the bribe does not learn how to get his work done through proper means, the ones who get the project do not do their job well because there is no need for them to.

When there is dishonesty and corruption anywhere in our nation, everyone loses. And Malaysians do not want to put up with it any more. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

We want modern services and a better standard of living; we want up-to-date medical facilities at par with the world’s best, available to every Malaysian. We desire strong and efficient infrastructure and support systems for a superior quality of life. 

But corruption is taking these away from us!

We want good schools, roads, hospitals, offices, shops and homes. We want institutions of higher learning where our children can thrive and when they graduate, we want growth that ensures they have secure jobs with increasing incomes. We want progress and we are entitled to move forward towards a brighter future.

But corruption is stealing these from us!

At the deepest level, corruption is against our beliefs, our faith and moral values. 

We must know that while society can create institutions, legal frameworks, rules and laws to deter corruption, the last line of defense lies squarely on the individual, on you and I.

In our strategy to combat corruption we must focus on ourselves too. We must convince each individual that we all stand to lose and that corruption will ruin all in the end. Let us tell our leaders that we want development minus corruption while at the same time promise ourselves that we too will not succumb to it, even if it is just to run away from getting a police summons.

We can do this. We have the ability and capacity to build a better you, a better me and a better Malaysia!

We are #RasuahBusters! We need you to join us. Together we will work hard to be the conscience of the nation. 

3. What is our approach?

Our compass is the Rukunegara, the Malaysian Federal Constitution and shared values within our faith and traditions. 

As an agent of change we will use the following #RasuahBusters guide: -

a. Always use mercy and compassion as the first act in finding solutions.

b. Do not be judgemental – everyone is innocent until proven otherwise.

c. The end does not justify the means – the journey is as important as the destination.

d. We use positive language and proposition at all times and are never rude.

e. Let’s move forward - we use wisdom to propose amnesty when it is appropriate but with conditions.

4. Who are we?

We, you and I, are a coalition of the willing – individuals and groups. 

The movement follows a decentralised approach where the #RasuahBusters Central Team (#RBCT) acts as the initiator. The task of the #RBCT is to create awareness and make available basic materials, recommended skills and knowledge needed to kick-start and grow the movement. We help draw up the basic sets of behaviours needed to create a positive culture that avoids the taking and giving of bribes. We will also look into the bigger picture and assist the nation to put in place the people, processes and structures that are crucial for a longer-term impact.

You* can be part of the #RasuahBusters by initiating these actions: -

a. As an individual, representing your own convictions.

b. In your family.

c. In your close community – e.g. - groups of friends, school, religious cells/qariah, clubs, office, etc.

d. Work place –government and private sectors - e.g. A CEO or HOD can launch a #RasuahBuster initiative within their organization or set informal #RasuahBusters teams at work.

e. Social and political groupings – NGOs, NPOs, political parties, pressure groups, etc.

*Remember to use the #RasuahBuster Guide as your standard operating behaviour.

5. When, Where and How can you start your own #RasuahBuster movement?


a. Start by first promising to yourself that you will try very hard to not give or take a bribe for the rest of your life.

b. Announce your stand both online and do it in person with all your close family members and friends.

c. Create your own #RasuahBuster Team (#RBT) within your own social group both in person and virtually. Give your #RBT a name e.g. #RBTGangLamaPg, #RBTKeluargaMamat, #RBTFrenz4Life, etc 

d. Enrol your family, friends and colleagues to your #RBT. Share this letter with them.

e. Share your materials and ideas with us.

f. Share about #RasuahBusters as best as you can and invite your family and friends to register as a #RasuahBusters and visit the platforms below to get helpful information and materials.

To register as a #RasuahBusters:


Facebook: Rasuah Busters

Instagram: rasuahbusters

Twitter: rasuahbusters

email  :, 

(WA)  : To join as a volunteer: 019-3823635 

(WA)   : To register any complains: 019-6680920 

g. Please hashtag #RasuahBusters for all social media postings so that we can measure success.

6. Can you be creative and create your own materials?

Yes!! Please do! We want to harness the creativity, talent and spirit of all Malaysians. Young and old – from Perlis to Sabah. We Malaysians are a creative lot. We need to work with people who are smarter and more talented than us. We want the best so please give your best. Do what you can to help us eradicate corruption but always remember to work within the approach and guide as outlined in point 3 above.

My dear Malaysians, I congratulate you for joining us in this very important journey. However, we must remember that the goal of eradicating corruption is bigger than all of us be it as an individual or group. So the overriding rule is - only follow and support my team and I when we do the right things and stay true to our #RasuahBusters approach and guide. Correct us when we are wrong. We are only human but we promise you we will try our best. I have strong convictions that you will ask the same from yourself and your team, too.

This is just the beginning of our journey. While it is good to first address the symptoms and achieve small wins, in building lasting change, our ultimate aim is to create new nationalv habits and norms with the highest ethical standards and moral values through addressing the root cause of corruption

Together we will eradicate corruption and build a better Malaysia!  

Thank you,

Saya yang tak nak terima dan beri rasuah,

Hussamuddin Yaacub

Team Leader

#RasuahBusters Central Team

Kuala Lumpur

Sunday, February 7, 2021



In Malaysia we choose an Attorney General because of his race. He had to leave also because of his race. We judge his performance base on race and his political leaning. If he is with us, he is a good guy. If he is with them, he is not.

Not on clear cut performance standards and goals that is measured, his capacity to deliver and integrity. 

We never ask about his performance in leading and managing himself, others, processes and execution and the capacity to lead and manage change - winning over his team towards a new ideal, a new mission.

By we here, we are not talking just about the people who put him there, we also include you and I the cheerleaders and supporters of such flawed thinking and approach towards nation building. 

Unfortunately it does not stop at just choosing the AG.

Peace, anas.

Thursday, February 4, 2021



Chandra Muzaffar
According to official estimates, Donald J. Trump obtained a little more than 74 million votes in the November 2020 presidential election losing to Joseph Biden who secured a little more than 81 million votes. Biden won by a comfortable margin but Trump also performed remarkably well. What explains his performance? Analysis of his performance may reveal the growing influence of a certain combination of forces that may shape elections in not only the United States but also in other parts of the world in the coming years.
Considering that most of the popular media channels, many established business outfits, professional groups, women’s organisations and youth movements were against Trump, how did he succeed in harnessing so much support? Let us not forget that more than the media and various entities, Trump’s failure to handle the coronavirus epidemic which resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and spiraling infections eroded considerably his support base.
While a variety of factors may have been responsible for the votes that Trump garnered--- including his incumbency --- certain observers have highlighted his appeal to a huge segment of the majority White population and his economic record as decisive. As he did in his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump successfully projected himself as the defender of the interests of the Whites at a time when demographic changes favouring the Hispanic population on the one hand and Black political empowerment on the other (Obama’s 8 years in the White House as a case in point) were allegedly jeopardising the position of the majority community. Baseless as these allegations were, they were craftily manipulated to the advantage of the fear-mongers.
Fear manipulation by itself would not have worked if Trump had not proven that he could also deliver the goods --- even if it was superficial. During his four years as president of the US, it is true that he created jobs for not only the majority but also for the minorities including Blacks, Hispanics and Asians. Businesses at all levels flourished and the economy appeared to be benefitting segments of society.
It is this combination --- Trump at the forefront of identity politics and Trump pushing the economy forward that seems to have helped Trump in his electoral campaign. This combination of forces would have ensured his political triumph, some analysts argue, if it had not been for the pandemic.
Within his White constituency, the force that mobilised mass support for Trump came from the Christian Right. The Christian Right comprises diverse elements including Christian Zionists who in recent times have come to view Trump as a divinely chosen leader who will fulfil their ideological mission through Israel. This is why many Christian Zionists blindly endorsed Trump in the November 2020 US Election.
When we turn from the US to India, the world’s largest democracy, the nexus between identity politics and economic achievements becomes even more obvious. In recent elections, the ruling Bharatiyya Janata Party (BJP) which assumed power on its own in 2014 has projected itself as the champion of Hindutva, of Hindu nationalism --- a party sworn to protect Hindus against alleged moves by Muslims and other minorities in India to weaken the link between the religion and the Indian polity. In the 2019 General Election, after 5 years in power, its Hindutva credentials even more pronounced, the BJP had a greater grip upon the Hindu vote. Its readiness to erase manifestations of Islam in the public arena from place - names to historical narratives was testimony to its fidelity to the religion.
But the BJP also has a people oriented development agenda. It is committed to not only creating jobs and raising incomes but also to building much needed public facilities. Its claim to have built “a million toilets “ since coming to power in 2014 has had some impact upon popular sentiments. The BJP often talks about its rural transformation programmes and how it has reached out to the urban poor.
The BJP’s identity politics provides psychological support to its development agenda just as its development agenda derives its moral strength from its adherence to identity symbols and forms. However as in the US, the issue is how identity politics tends to encourage exclusive tendencies within the body politic. It strengthens dichotomies and divisions in society. The real challenges facing the people in the economy, in politics and in societal relations are often marginalised as bigotry and prejudice take centre stage. Thus some religious or cultural symbol manipulated by the elite may capture the popular imagination though what requires attention in society may be falling educational standards or universal health care.
Political parties or political leaders who do not want to see the politics of identity expressed through bigotry and communal stances dominate their societies especially if they are multi-ethnic are often in a quandary. How do they defeat such politics while remaining faithful to politics that is inclusive, honest and committed to justice and integrity? There is one thing that they should not do. They should not play the same game of exploiting religious or communal sentiments to gain electoral support. The entire system will sink deeper into the communal cauldron. Neither should the opponents of bigotry and communalism dismiss the impact of these forces as a temporary phenomenon which will disappear in time.
The sane response is to examine in depth the eternal values and principles embodied in the great religious and humanistic philosophies and present their wisdom as an alternative discourse. In other words, what is universal and inclusive, what is just and compassionate in our traditions should be articulated as the real, authentic message of our belief systems. This should be done with courage and integrity whatever the bigots and communalists may say, and however harsh and aggressive their pronouncements and actions may be.
At the same time, those of us who are fighting bigots and communalists with an exclusive agenda should also put forward development policies and programmes that are just, inclusive and humane. In concrete terms, if the former seeks to build colleges it would be primarily to equip the next generation with the character, knowledge and skills that serve the public good rather than strengthen the elite stratum of society. As articulators of an alternative, promoting peace and harmony through shared values and principles that bind diverse communities together would be our cherished goal, not the propagation of attitudes that create barriers among us and sow the seeds of mutual distrust and suspicion. Likewise, those of us who subscribe to an alternative vision of society, will expose the corrupt and the greedy regardless of whether he or she is on our side or not.
If those of us who are opposed to bigotry and communalism possess and practise the right values and principles, it will not be possible for the manipulators of identity politics to spread their influence in society.
Dr Chandra Muzaffar is the president of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST).
4th February 2021.