Friday, December 24, 2021

HAVE A MEANINGFUL CHRISTMAS - REFLECTING: Strengths, Weaknesses and Bad Habits.

 REFLECTING: Strengths, Weaknesses and Bad Habits

Self-Managed Learning demands that we take charge of our future; focus, operate from our strengths and deal with our bad habits.

It is a good time of the year to do some deep reflection and rethinking. Ask for and listen to feedback. Measure success – where we did well and where we failed. With feedback and deep reflection, we know what our real strengths, weaknesses and bad habits are. Reflection is necessary for the individual, an organization, and the nation.

This exercise is crucial as we can only perform from our strengths. We must concentrate on our strengths and place ourselves where we can produce the best results. We must not waste our energy trying to improve on areas of low impact on performance. We cannot build performance on weaknesses.

But it is crucial that we deal with our bad habits. Bad habits are things we do or fail to do that can dilute, negate, or even destroy our strengths. A talented entrepreneur who has the flair to make a lot of money will in the end go bankrupt if he has the bad habit of gambling.

In your organization, what are the bad habits that inhibit performance and excellence? Big plans without follow through? Lengthy meetings with few outcomes? The practice of artificial harmony where most managers avoid difficult conversations? Or simply the general lack of following S.O.P.?

How about we as a nation? What are the bad habits that is eating up our strength? Poor maintenance culture? The practice of corruption? Not being honest on both sides? Cybertrooping at a drop of a hat? Seeing every turn through the lenses of race? 

To be a successful leader, manager or individual contributor, we must learn to recognize our strengths, weaknesses and bad habits and feedback the same to others. To know more, ask us about our Self-Managed Learning Workshop.

Let us add value,

Have a meaningful Christmas


Peace, anas


Tuesday, December 14, 2021


"Of Chinese and Malay identities in Malaysia"

Most Malaysian Chinese chose to keep their Chinese ethnic identity and hardly assimilate into the local culture. Mandarin is their first and preferred language.
Many Malaysian Chinese are more ‘western’ in their outlook instead of keeping to their ethnic identity. English is their first and preferred language.
Scores of Malaysian Chinese are more ‘local’ in their outlook – speaks Bahasa Malaysia or the local dialect extremely well especially the Baba Nyonyas and Peranakans.
Most of Malaysian Malays are trying to keep to their Malay identity, still dressing as much as possible as Malays do and enjoy and proud of the Malay language and culture.
Many Malaysian Malays are abandoning their local ethnic identity and becoming more like Saudi Arabs. Arabic is their preferred language, if only they can speak it.
Scores of Malaysian Malays are more ‘western’ in their outlook instead of keeping to their ethnic identity. English is their first and preferred language.
Culture represents a distinctive way of life of a group of people, their complete design for living. It is the complex whole of knowledge, belief, customs, art, skills, morals, traditions, habits, artifacts and objects and common knowledge to the members of the society.
Chopsticks represents part of the cultural symbol of the Chinese community. If we want to take this conversation forward in a positive way, we need to understand it as a symbolic representation of the community instead of harping on chopsticks per se – taking the conversation to the level of coffeeshop banter.
It is obvious that we are not ready to have a mature dialogue on the Malaysian identity. Perhaps we are operating from a society deeply wounded at the emotional level.
Or perhaps, many are simply in self denial 🙂
anas zubedy

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Why Malaysia needs Leader-Managers who can first and foremost, lead and manage themselves.

"I have a lot of will power, a lot of self-control"
- Jayaram Jayalalithaa
As a young nation, Malaysia needs talents to lead and manage our politics, government, businesses, social organizations, and family units. We need Leader-Managers.
A Leader-Manager is expected to lead and manage four crucial areas.
1. Lead and manage himself or herself,
2. Lead and manage others,
3. Lead and manage the execution of plans and processes, and,
4. Lead and manage change.
While adequate attention and awareness are given to developing talents in items 2 and 4, more work needs to be done for items 1 and 3.
We have many ideas and plans but fall short in executing them well. The shortcomings in leading and managing processes have resulted in countless poor maintenance and slipshod work.
Yet, our biggest challenge is developing talents who can lead and manage themselves; someone with the skills, will, and behaviours to lead and manage oneself well.
History shows that families, organisations and even nations would collapse when leaders fail to lead and manage themselves in practising self-control; the backbone and the heart of being a Leader-Manager.
Only when a leader practises self-control can he exercise control over others, hold people accountable, have the moral standing to have tough conversations and if necessary, take tough actions to manage performance and misdirection - the ability to pull everyone together with consistency and integrity.
The Leader-Manager can be counted on to develop clear goals and deliverables that contribute towards a common good. The Leader-Manager’s exemplary character, role modelling and focus on the success of the whole unite the team and make both the journey and the goals meaningful and desirable.
Then, he or she is able to lead and manage through people - gets things done and makes things happen. Contact us to know more about our Leader-Manager Working Workshop.
Let us add value,
Have a meaningful Deepavali.
Peace, anas

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Friday, September 3, 2021


The mainstream Western media is full of news these days about people fleeing Kabul in the wake of the Taliban victory. Dramatic pictures of young and old scrambling to get on to jam-packed aeroplanes do make a huge impact. The message they convey is that a collective fear has gripped the Afghan people as they seek to escape the iron grip of an ‘oppressive and brutal regime’. The images also suggest that freedom and security await these fleeing refugees in Western capitals.

Many do not realise that these visuals serve to divert attention from another daunting reality: the humiliating defeat suffered by the US and its allies after a 20 year occupation of Afghanistan.
It was an occupation which according to Brown University’s Costs of War project devoured US 2.26 trillion dollars. At its height it employed 775,000 US service personnel. The US and its NATO allies had at their command some of the world’s most lethal and sophisticated weapons. Still, some 2.322 US military deaths occurred. As a result of US and NATO military operations in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, 240,000 deaths were recorded. Afghan civilian deaths were estimated at 47,245 while Pakistani civilian deaths hit 24.099.
3.5 million Afghans were internally displaced and there were 2.5 million Afghan refugees at the end of 2020.
In contrast, the Taliban had limited fire power. As Pepe Escobar put it, “They relied only on Kalashnikovs, rocket-propelled grenades and Toyota pick-ups --- before they captured American hardware these past few days, including drones and helicopters.” Except for a core, their guerrillas had only basic military training. It is estimated that the Taliban had 78, 000 fighters, 60,000 of them active.
There were also some fighters in Pakistan; otherwise, international support for the Taliban was modest. And yet, by the middle of August 2021, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan led by Taliban co-founder, Mullah Baradur Akhund was at the driving wheel.
What explains the Taliban’s success? A number of analysts regard their staunch faith in Islam as an overwhelmingly important factor. This faith is deeply integrated with their love for their land. This is why no foreign power has ever been able to sustain their conquest of Afghanistan. The British discovered this in the middle of the 19th century. The Soviet Union came to terms with this truth when it was defeated by the Afghan people in 1989, after a 10 year occupation and a loss of 60,000 soldiers. Now the Americans know why Afghanistan has been rightly described as “the graveyard of empires.”
Apart from faith, the Taliban also pursued a clever strategy of forging links with local chieftains and grass root communities. These links proved to be the bastion of local-level resistance to the American presence. The Taliban, a largely Pashtun group that resonated with the majority community, also reached out to the ethnic minorities such as the Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazaras. This networking enhanced the standing of the resistance movement as a whole.
If we compared the Taliban with the US backed government and the US sponsored Afghan army, we begin to understand why public perceptions of the former and the latter were so different. Both the civilian and military elite linked to the US were seen as “puppets” and “stooges” of a foreign power. They had hardly any credibility.
To make matters worse, some of the elite further undermined the ruling class through rampant indulgence in corruption and abuse of power. It is alleged that a substantial portion of external aid given to the Afghan people were siphoned off by the corrupt elite for their own indulgence. Such malpractices widened the trust gap between the elite and their foreign backers on the one hand and the Afghan masses on the other.
There have also been occasions when the occupiers have displayed an utter lack of sensitivity to the norms and values that govern Afghan society especially its rural population. In their search for “ terrorists” US and other NATO troops have at times barged into rural homes in the middle of the night violating unwittingly the sense of propriety of women folk who may not be in their purdah at that time. Reports indicate that such instances have incensed both women and men and led invariably to an escalation of anger against the foreign intruder.
If a tragic chapter in Afghanistan’s history characterised by occupation and its concomitant woes such as cultural insensitivity and corruption has come to an end, can we hope for a new chapter to begin?
Before we can even contemplate the contours of a new Afghanistan, it is important to emphasise over and over again that military conquest and occupation is not the solution to any problem. It has not eradicated terrorism in Afghanistan or elsewhere. It has not brought development or meaningful progress to the Afghan people. How can it benefit people when it is obvious that often the occupier itself, sponsors, finances, trains and protects terrorists in pursuit of its own agenda--- its own agenda of hegemonic dominance and control.
This is why if there is any one lesson that we can all learn from the debacle in Afghanistan it is the evil of dominance and hegemony and its disastrous consequences. Through mass action --- demonstrations, assemblies and media mobilisation ---- the American people in particular should drive this message to the heads and hearts of their elites. Do not oust other regimes through force and violence.
Do not occupy other people’s lands. It is such a shame that since the end of the Second World War US elites have done this over and over again ---- in Vietnam, in Iraq, in Libya. They tried and failed in Syria. They do not seem to learn.
It is only the people’s will--- democratically expressed --- that can stop the insanity of these elites.
Dr Chandra Muzaffar is the president of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST)
Kuala Lumpur.
26th August 2021.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021



Join us tomorrow Thursday 2/9/2021 8pm
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 936 5012 7547
Passcode: 990214
Registration form
Dr.Chandra Muzaffar
President, International Movement, For A Just World
Peace, anas
The Malaysian Politics and Public Issues Series is a zubedy-Taylor’s collaboration.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021



My dear Malaysians, we are Malaysia, a country that has from its inception chosen integration over assimilation, the rainbow instead of just one colour. As such, it is okay to organise a congress, meeting, political party, society and etc. based on race or ethnicity.
In Malaysia, each ethnic group is encouraged to bloom for the most part unhindered; Chinese speak Chinese, eat with chopsticks, and have Chinese names; Indians have Indian names and speak their own dialects; Malays follow their traditions, which are the core culture of this nation. So do our brothers and sisters is Sabah and Sarawak, be they Iban, Kadazandusun, Bidayuh, Melanau, Bajau, Murut and the other groups.
We want all the races in our rainbow nation to blossom, thrive and add value to the Malaysian supra-race while accepting that it is a functional cognisant goal, and strive to inculcate our children with the goal of being Malaysian by speaking, reading and writing our national language, Bahasa Malaysia, with ease.
As such, it is okay to be racial, to follow what our tradition dictates for our behaviour, beliefs and customs. It enriches and grounds us, and makes us feel safe and secure with who we are in relation to everyone around us.
But it is not okay to be racist, to think that our race is somehow superior to others and to dislike someone or some groups of people because of their ethnic background. That is plain ignorance and arrogance.
So, it is okay to organise a congress based on one’s ethnic grouping. But it is not okay to use it as a platform to threaten or bad-mouth the other.
So, let’s get that right.
“Our future depends on how well many different kinds of people can live and work together” – Tunku Abdul Rahman, Bapa Malaysia.

Monday, August 30, 2021


“Who do you love more? Your mom or dad?”

A wicked man asks a little child, " Who do you love? Your mom or your dad?" The child happily replied, "I love them both".
"But who do you love more?" the wicked man continued. The child this time feeling a little confused answered again, "I love them both".
The wicked man pushed further, " But, who do you love more? You must choose!".
The child troubled, murmured, " Can I not love them equally?".
The wicked man insisted, “No, you must choose!”
The child confused and feeling a piercing pain in his heart sat quietly by himself as the wicked man walked away happily.
The wicked man called his boss, Satan and proudly reported, “Boss, I have planted the seed of trouble in the child’s heart as you have commanded. Rest assure another broken family will be joining you”.
NOTE – Now exchange Mom and Dad with Ethnicity and Citizenship, Malay or Malaysian, Chinese or Malaysian, Indian or Malaysian ….
Peace, anas

Sunday, August 29, 2021


 “Our future depends on how well many different kinds of people can live and work together.”

- Tunku Abdul Rahman, Father of Independence


Tunku and The Malaysian Constitution
Special talk by
Emeritus Prof. Datuk Dr.Shad Saleem Faruqi
Tunku Abdul Rahman Chair, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Malaya.

Come join us celebrate Merdeka!
Date: 31st August 2021, Tuesday
Time: 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Attire: Traditional Malaysian Attire
Link :
Meeting ID: 961 2074 4448 Passcode: 240032

Peace, anas

Monday, August 16, 2021


Tunku Abdul Rahman Chair, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Malaya.
A zubedy-Taylor’s collaboration
Series #007
Date: 19 Aug 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 936 5012 7547
Passcode: 990214
Registration form
Peace, anas

Thursday, August 5, 2021


Dear Members of Parliament,
I would like to share with you a story that is common among those in the Abrahamic faith – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Similar accounts can also be found in the Hindu, Buddhist and Chinese traditions.
This is the story about the Judgement of King Solomon – about two women who claim to be the mother of an infant son.
The dispute was brought to King Solomon. To distinguish between the real mother and the fake one, the King suggested that the baby be cut into two; with each woman receiving half the infant.
Hearing the ruling, the real and true mother begged, “Please don’t kill my son, Your Majesty. I love him very much, but give him to her. Just don’t kill him.”
On the other hand, the fake mother behaved typically like one with The Crab Mentality and shouted, “Go ahead and cut him in half. Then neither of us will have the baby.”
Once the women revealed their true feelings, King Solomon declared that the true mother is the one willing to give up her baby if that is what it takes to save him. (You can refer to 1 Kings 3:16-28, The Bible).
The Quran at 21:79 says,
“We made Solomon understand the case [more profoundly], yet We vouchsafed unto both of them sound judgment and knowledge [of right and wrong]. And We caused the mountains to join David in extolling Our limitless glory, and likewise the birds: for We are able to do [all things].”
I see His Highness the YDP Agung playing the role of King Solomon, emulating Prophet Solomon giving you, our Members of Parliament, one month to prove which of you is the real mother and which the fake one.
The one that loves and cares for the rakyat is the one willing to let go your craving for power to save the nation.
Anas Zubedy,
Kuala Lumpur.
August 5th, 2021

Saturday, July 31, 2021



Dr.Chandra Muzaffar
President, International Movement For A Just World
The Malaysian Politics and Public Issues Series
A zubedy-Taylor’s collaboration: - Series #006
Date: 5 Aug 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 936 5012 7547
Passcode: 990214
Registration form
Anas Zubedy

Friday, July 30, 2021


The three most important tasks of leadership are removing uncertainties, providing clarity of goals and setting out how to measure success; removing uncertainties being the most important of the three. Without it, all else falls apart. Removing uncertainties is key to create our much-needed political stability, to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and economic challenges, today.

That was why as early as February 2020, I have suggested a MAGERAN-styled govt or a UNITY Government as I feared the instability we might face without a coalition that has a solid majority. Sadly, my fears were right. Like before and until today, I do not have the confidence that our politicians can stop themselves from the crab culture. “Politik Ketam” is an ingrained habit within their inner selves. Furthermore, supporters are cheering the politicians on, making them confident that they are doing the right thing and moving on the right track.

I do not foresee any change in their mentality in the near future. But we must have stability to save the nation from going deeper into crisis. The crux of the issue rests on legitimacy. We need leadership that is beyond a shadow of doubt of legitimacy to lead the country to remove uncertainties.  As such, I would like to suggest the following.

1. I humbly suggest Perikatan Nasional to show their numbers as soon as possible to provide stability in Parliament and as such the country. Even if their majority is very slim. Please do so. This will legitimize their position and help the nation move forward.

2. Failing which, I humbly suggest Pakatan Harapan to show that they have the numbers instead of asking Perikatan Nasional to prove theirs. Get your majority to stand together at Parliament grounds instead of waiting impatiently for a vote inside the House. It is like a protest vote that your team has often exercised before. In this way, you can show you are the legitimate government, with the number of seats and convince His Highness YDP Agung. He could then choose your leader with much ease.

3. If both sides avoid the above and we continue with this uncertainty, I humbly suggest His Highness YDP Agung to use whatever powers he and his Brother Rulers have as written in the constitution as well as their influence and goodwill to move towards creating a MAGERAN-like organization with key statesmen/women with the skills and knowhow needed to lead the nation for an agreed period of time. Any politician who is included in the core organization must retire from politics thereafter. And any other members are also disallowed from joining active politics.

I sincerely hope we find a quick solution from the current political uncertainties. We need to be very focused in dealing with the Covid 19 situation and the economy. The rest are secondary.

Let us remove uncertainties, create political stability and have the clarity of goals that we need while at the same time set constant measurements until we succeed.

Thank you. 


Anas Zubedy

Kuala Lumpur

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

HAVE A MEANINGFUL HARI RAYA QURBAN. - The word Qurban is derived from the triliteral root qāf rā bā -


The word Qurban is derived from the triliteral root qāf rā bā .

To those who are interested to know more about what the Quran say about Qurban do read the attached.

To discover more about words and terms from the triliteral root qāf rā bā go here
peace, anas

Sunday, July 18, 2021

ISLAM AND THE MALAYSIAN CONSTITUTION - Thursday 22 July 2021 Time: 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm



The Malaysian Politics and Public Issues Series

A zubedy-Taylor’s collaboration

Series #005

The Malaysian Politics and Public Issues (MPPI) Series of talks and forums is an initiative by zubedy’s Unity & Harmony Mediators Movement (MEDIATORS) and Taylor’s School of Liberal Arts & Sciences – Bachelor of Social Science (SLAS–BSS) to educate, discuss and promote the exchange of ideas on the nation’s politics and public issues.

The goal is to provide the basic foundation and framework by experts in the subject through well thought-out talks and also to create a platform for dialogue, discourses and debates via public forums.

The series of talks and forums will cover key topics like the Malaysian Constitution, socio-political history, public policies, and specific topics like education, national culture, general elections, integration and economics.




Tunku Abdul Rahman Chair, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Malaya.

Date: 22 July 2021 (Thursday)

Time: 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 936 5012 7547

Passcode: 990214

Registration form


Anas Zubedy


Monday, July 12, 2021

DEAR POLITICIANS - "Do not offer your leadership. We do not trust you. Offer to work with each other"


"Do not offer your leadership. We do not trust you. Offer to work with each other"
Understandably, the rakyat is getting impatient. Confused. Uncertain. Afraid. Angry.
Being cooped up at home with lesser money and yearning for social interactions both with family and friends. Everyone knows someone who lost someone and many directly losing a close one. The heart is in pain.
If the leaders still do not get it and do something significant, cut politicking to zero (nobody talks about power keeping or grabbing), remove uncertainties and create loads of “safety valves”, the anger may pour over into something worst.
Do not offer your leadership. None of you could win the majority's heart. None of you have the capacity to win the rakyat's trust on your own.
Let me repeat. Do not offer your leadership to solve the country's challenges - we will interpret it as you are using the rakyat's pain to gain power - for your own selfish agenda.
OFFER COORPERATION TO EACH OTHER. That is the only way you can win the majority's trust. The country and even your own political groupings are too divided to go in alone.


So do think hard. Go deeper into your hearts. Be wiser and better than you have ever been.
Thanks. Peace, anas.

Sunday, July 4, 2021



The Malaysian Politics and Public Issues Series

A zubedy-Taylor’s collaboration

Series #004

This week’s topic

Rukun Negara as the Nation’s Compass

“When proclaimed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on 31st August 1970, the Rukun Negara was meant to be the nation’s philosophy that would guide the building of the Malaysian nation. After 50 years, has it played this role? How well have the aspirations and principles of the Rukun Negara been translated into concrete policies and action plans for different segments of society? Would our future generation be able to make use of the Rukun Negara to create prosperity and happiness for ALL Malaysians?”


Dr.Chandra Muzaffar

President, International Movement For A Just World

Date: 8 July 2021 (Thursday)

Time: 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 936 5012 7547

Passcode: 990214

Registration form





Peace, anas

Saturday, June 26, 2021


Thank you to the 1647 respondents who shared their choices during the Phase – 2 Survey.
The top 7 candidates who made it to the final phase are (in alphabetical order) ANTHONY LOKE, HISHAMUDIN HUSSEIN, KHAIRY JAMALUDDIN ABU BAKAR, MOHAMAD HASAN, NURUL IZZAH ANWAR, RAFIZI RAMLI and SHAFIE APDAL.
I am glad that we included RAFIZI RAMLI in the second survey as the prediction that he will perform well was well founded.
In the final survey, the top 7 performers in phase 2 will be facing the top 7 influential leaders namely (in alphabetical order), ABDUL HADI AWANG, AHMAD ZAHID HAMIDI, ANWAR IBRAHIM, LIM GUAN ENG, MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, MUHYIDDIN YASSIN (for supporters who want him to continue for another term) and NAJIB RAZAK.
We will have a good mix of the old and new to choose from as a talent pool for the nation’s leadership and future. We would have had considered alternative talents as well as expanded the current pool for leadership and work towards the goal of this survey.
Please do choose 1 candidate of your choice.
Please share this survey to as many as possible via your social media and WhatsApp.
This survey is open till Friday 2nd July 2021, 12 noon. HERE IS THE LINK TO CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE CANDIDATE.
Thank you and peace,
anas zubedy
1. Alexander Nanta Linggi
2. Anthony Loke
3. Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki
4. Azmin Ali
5. Fadhilah Yusof
6. Gobind Singh
7. Hamzah Zainuddin
8. Hannah Yeoh
9. Hishamudin Hussein
10. Jeffrey Kitingan
11. Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar
12. Liew Chin Tong
13. Mohamad Hasan
14. Mujahid Yusof
15. Mukhriz Mahathir
16. Mustapa Mohamed
17. Nancy Shukri
18. Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Aziz
19. Nurul Izzah Anwar
20. Salahuddin Ayub
21. Shafie Apdal
22. Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman
23. Takiyuddin Hassan
24. Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man
25. Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz
1. Anthony Loke
2. Gobind Singh
3. Hannah Yeoh
4. Hishamudin Hussein
5. Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar
6. Liew Chin Tong
7. Mohamad Hasan
8. Mukhriz Mahathir
9. Mustapa Mohamed
10. Nurul Izzah Anwar
11. Rafizi Ramli
12. Salahuddin Ayub
13. Shafie Apdal
14. Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman
15. Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz
1. Abdul Hadi Awang
2. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
3. Anthony Loke
4. Anwar Ibrahim
5. Hishamudin Hussein
6. Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar
7. Lim Guan Eng
8. Mahathir Mohamad
9. Mohamad Hasan
10. Muhyiddin (Mahiaddin) Yassin
11. Najib Razak
12. Nurul Izzah Anwar
13. Rafizi Ramli
14. Shafie Apdal

Imran Yusof and Jeffery Cheah Ky Beng