Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Intelligence and talent without


One of the most common enquiries during our sessions with the younger generations is how to stay motivated and avoid the “hangat-hangat tahi ayam” syndrome. They find it a struggle to just stay focused on daily goals and tasks.
Meaning, while we debate whether science and math should be taught in English or Bahasa, the challenges on the ground are more fundamental – a cry for better self-control and the ability to stay the course. This is a problem across the board, not just among the young. The young are simply worse at dealing with it.
Self-discipline is a decisive skill for success and has wide implications in life. It is the cornerstone for healthy habits that fashion a good life and ensure high-quality work. With self-discipline, willpower becomes natural and as such we are able to resist short-term temptations, and practice delayed gratification to focus on long-term goals.
There is a need to create the right environment that can facilitate the culture of self-discipline, especially for the young. But first, we need to go back to basics. Are they sleeping and eating right? Do they exercise regularly? Do they constantly read new things? Do they have “a strong anchor” that makes their heart strong?
Lack of sleep alone can eat self-discipline for breakfast.
Intelligence and talent are important but without self-discipline we cannot complete tasks in a given deadline, at the quality required. We will not be able to stay the course taking repetitive actions that are likely to be tedious. Yet, only those who are willing and able to fight through tedious periods can be successful.
Until we pay serious attention to shaping the right environment to create the culture that builds self-discipline, our young, our people, our nation are simply unaware of our ill-fated future as we continue down our primrose path.
“Though one should conquer a million men in battlefield, yet he, indeed, is the noblest victor who has conquered himself.”
The Buddha
Peace, anas