Thursday, October 31, 2024

Have a Meaningful Deepavali 2024 - KINDNESS AND RESPECT IN LEADERSHIP

How to lead with KINDNESS while commanding RESPECT
Kindness is core to leadership. Kindness is authority tempered with mercy. Kindness gives leaders moral authority. Kindness builds trust, can help hold the team together, germinates respect and loyalty from the followers.
We must not mistake kindness for weakness. In fact, to be kind, a leader must be willing to take risks and engage in difficult conversations and take tough actions when their followers deviate, fail to perform, or do not live up to agreed expectations. How?
Kindness builds emotional currency between a leader and his/her followers. This currency, accumulated through acts of kindness, is essential when managing performance. Leaders can rely on this currency when they need to exhibit strong emotional expression to drive results.
It is the currency that gives leaders the moral authority to show or verbalise when they are upset if goals are not met, press for commitment and implement consequence management.
In short, kindness enables leaders to lead with minimal use of formal authority and the need to constantly tap into their positional power.
Ultimately, kindness is a license for a leader to call a spade a spade, do what it takes to make things better and achieve results while at the same time commanding respect. Because kindness allows followers to see that the leader is acting for what is in the best interest for the good not just for themselves, but also the followers as well as the organization.
We stress kindness in our leadership programs.
A leader is expected not just to lead and manage others, lead and manage the execution of processes, lead and manage change, but also lead and manage themselves first.
Let us add value,
Have A Meaningful Deepavali.
Peace, anas
Aunty Parvathy (1941–2024)

Mothers are natural role models who teach us how to lead with kindness while commanding respect. Aunty Parvathy is one fine example. She practices leading with kindness while commanding respect. Not only to her own children, but also to those who spend time with her family. Her kindness makes her a mother to many.