Saturday, August 23, 2008

Finally decent Lamb Burgers & a new reading corner!

I quit eating beef since Chinese New Year 1985.

At that time i was trying to get my residential college at UM to stop serving beef, as we do not serve pork. It was only fair. If we expect others to be sensitive to our needs we should do the same. But instead the Hindu college residents settled for a vegetarian corner... I was not very happy. But i tot i could change myself first and so i have not tasted beef since then. Currently beef and pork are not served in any zubedy functions nor my home :) I urge you do the same.

A few years ago i found out that my red blood cells kurang sikit and my Doctor suggested that i should consume red meat at least once a week. How many people you know have a Doctor's order to eat red meat?!!! So i try to makan satay kajang - kambing sepuluh cucuk each weekend since then

I have also been dreaming of great bites of lamb burgers covered with minty sauce but it was not to be. It is almost impossible to find lamb burger. Burger King had some lamb thingy but they took it off.

Then, I found Darabif. And better still is situated just 3 minutes from my home in hartamas. Great food, condusive reading place - wifi ready pulak..


  1. Kudos to your stand on beef.I'm more interested in the health aspect.My entire family is vegetarian (including the family dogs-they actually refused meat).At no point have we suffered from a low hemoglobin count.I take eggs and milk but my 85yr old aunt doesn't and her counts are normal too.Contrary to what your doctor thinks,you don't need fish,meat,eggs or even milk to have normal hemoglobin counts.He should check for hidden blood loss and sufficient vit C and folate intake as well as parasite infestations.I am a doctor too and have been vegetarian since I was 8yrs old.

  2. I wish there were more people like you who are sensitive to everyone's needs instead of just shouting out for theirs and ignoring the people around.
    I still remember my flying days, one of my chief stewards commented when I said "no thank you" to a platter of mixed beef and chicken satay....he said.."susu lembu boleh minum, tapi daging lembu , tak boleh pulak makan,why you Indians so strange lah". "makan aja lah the chicken satay!"
    Firstly, Didn't appreciate the comment about the susu and daging and secondly, If I mixed pork satay and beef satay or even put them in two different dishes but on the same table...what do you think would have happened?
