Monday, February 25, 2019


Surat terbuka kepada Tan Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr.) Haji Harussani Bin Haji Zakaria.

Assalamualaikum Tan Sri.

Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan rasmi Tan Sri bil 2/2019 yang bertajuk ISU PENGHINAAN KE ATAS NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.

Dan tidaklah sama kebaikan dan kejahatan. Tolaklah (kejahatan itu) dengan cara yang lebih baik, maka tiba-tiba orang yang antaramu dan antara dia ada permusuhan seolah-olah telah menjadi teman yang sangat setia.

Sifat-sifat yang baik itu tidak dianugerahkan melainkan kepada orang-orang yang sabar dan tidak dianugerahkan melainkan kepada orang-orang yang mempunyai keuntungan yang besar.

Quran 41: 34-35

Sebagai seorang Islam, kita memang paling tidak suka apabila Nabi kita di hina dan di fitnah. Nabi Muhammad dan semua Nabi-nabi kita merupakan junjungan mulia dan agung kepada sekalian umat Islam dari dulu, sehingga sekarang dan selama-lamanya. Kita memang akan marah dan dan kesal dengan penghinaan-penghinaan tersebut.

Walaupun begitu, sebagai seorang Islam yang berpalingkan Al Quran dan yang menurut contoh Nabi, kita tidak mahu tidak mesti kawal perasaan kita dan merujuk kepada Allah dan Rasulnya cara-cara untuk menangani isu sensitif sebegini. Kita mesti berbalik kepada Al Quran.

Kedua-dua ayat dari surah Al Fussilat di atas boleh dijadikan pembuka reaksi kita.

Saya ingin juga memohon kepada Tan Sri dan sekalian umat Islam untuk mencontohi dan belajar sikap Nabi kita Nabi Muhammad atas Abu Lahab. Kisah Abu Lahab dan isterinya Umm Jameel yang terkandung dalam al-Quran haruslah diambil sebagai panduan. Abu Lahab adalah satu-satunya musuh Islam yang dilaknat oleh Al Quran dengan nama. Abu Lahablah yang telah menghina Nabi kita seterhina-terhinanya.

Pendek kata, tauladan Quran dan Rasulullah dalam menghadapi Abu Lahab seharusnya menjadi piawaian dan tatacara berhadapan dengan individu yang memusuhi Islam seperti mereka yang baru-baru ini menghina Nabi kita di laman web.

Sepertimana kita ketahui, Abu Lahab nekad mengekori Rasulullah ke mana sahaja Baginda pergi. Dia bersungguh-sungguh mengalakkan orang ramai untuk mengabaikan dan tidak mengendahkan Rasulullah. Abu Lahab juga telah mengejar dan membaling batu untuk menghentikan dakwah Rasulullah.

Walau bagaimanapun, Baginda langsung tidak menyeru untuk menghukum Abu Lahab. Undang-undang shariah dan tradisi asabiyah Arab langsung tidak digunakan ke atasnya; tiada ugutan, tiada cemuhan. Tambahan lagi setelah Abu Lahab melempari hadapan rumah Nabi dengan kotoran, anak bongsu Baginda Fatimah menangis melihat nasib ayahnya yang terhina. Namun Baginda tidak mendorong api kebencian dalam hati Fatimah, malahan menenangkan dan menasihatkan anaknya supaya mengamal sifat sabar dan pemaaf seperti yang dianjurkan oleh Islam. Yang ada hanyalah janji Allah bahawa Abu Lahab dan isterinya akan sengsara di akhirat.

Marilah kita ikut Nabi. Marilah kita rujuk AlQuran supaya kita menjadi “orang-orang yang mempunyai keuntungan yang besar.”

Dimanakah Islam kita kalau kita tidak mencontohi sikap Nabi dan rela mengambil tempatnya dalam menyebarkan rahmat ke semesta alam?

Maka disebabkan rahmat dari Allah-lah kamu berlaku lemah lembut terhadap mereka. Sekiranya kamu bersikap keras lagi berhati kasar, tentulah mereka menjauhkan diri dari sekelilingmu. Karena itu maafkanlah mereka, mohonkanlah ampun bagi mereka, dan bermusyawaratlah dengan mereka dalam urusan itu. Kemudian apabila kamu telah membulatkan tekad, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang bertawakkal kepada-Nya.

Quran 3:159

Dan tiadalah Kami mengutus kamu, melainkan untuk (menjadi) rahmat bagi semesta alam.

Quran 21:107

Anas Zubedy
Kuala Lumpur

Thursday, February 7, 2019


" Leadership must come with integrity - there is no compromise. Without integrity talent is a liability. "

I would like to share with you a method I designed for the corporate leaders in choosing Top Talents for their organization. We call it C.A.P.I., making it easy for recall. I hope it will help you choose the best for Malaysia.


A person’s capacity is the basic foundation of his or her ability to deliver. No amount of training or exposure can bring out what is expected from a talent if he or she lacks the capacity. Like a car engine, capacity determines the ability to perform under different circumstances. The larger the capacity, the greater the propensity to deliver. As an analogy, we cannot ask a car with a horsepower of 100 to perform like a powerhouse that churns 700 horses no matter how much we try to modify it. That would be sending the person to failure. When the leader fails, our country suffers.


True achievement is about results; not efforts, not promises, not words. Top talents focus their energies on where the results are, they make things happen, they deliver. They spend more time doing and delivering. They don’t talk as much as they do. When they talk, it is to engage people to perform. They want to get things done, make things right. They lead people to actions that are based on clear goals. We must choose leaders that deliver.

People Skills

Top talents deliver through working with and through people. They harness and focus the energy of others toward common goals. They are team leaders. Talent who prefers working alone are specialists and they are great support for top talents. Remember that we must choose talents that work with others in their effort to move up in an organization, not rise up by stepping on them. The latter will cause future disunity to the team.

In the Malaysian context we must also choose leaders who are willing to listen and work with not just a particular race, but every ethnic group. Not just with those in the Peninsular but also Sabah and Sarawak and vice versa. Care for those in urban as well as the rural areas plus willing to engage not just the old, but the middle aged and the young. In short, we must choose a leader that is with the rakyat, one that will work with us and care much about our well-being.


Leadership must come with integrity - there is no compromise. Without integrity talent is a liability. No matter how brilliant, knowledgeable or successful, lack of integrity disqualifies any and all talent for any leadership position. We must check their track record like their propensity to lie, practice double standards, say one thing and do the other.

In short in choosing our leaders, integrity is the final sift that must not be put aside no matter what.

Anas Zubedy
Kuala Lumpur

Note : I wrote this some years ago, but it is still relevant today.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

UMI and QURAN chapter 17 verse 23

UMI and QURAN chapter 17 verse 23 It is 930 pm in Kathmandu, Nepal. I have less than 3 hours to complete what I set out to do for my birthday today. I have walked for more than an hour. Read a good book. See new places and meet new people and the final one, to write something meaningful. I feel writing about my Umi (mother) is most ideal, fitting or as the Malays would put it, “paling kena pada tempatnya’. After all it was, she who gave birth to me 55 years ago. We tend to think our birthdays are about us. In truth, it is also about our parents. “And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word”. Quran 17:23 My Umi turns 81 years old this year. As our parents get older Quran 17:23 gets more and more relevant. It is definitely for me. Parents get more challenging. Ditto Umi. It is understandable, she has been a very independent person all her life. Ever always not wanting us to help, in the kitchen, organizing her belongings, cleaning the plates, carrying her bags, etc. If we are going out or going for a trip, she wants to be part of the team – she must also carry the bags or groceries or whatever things for the trip. Everyone must play their part, including her. If there were activities, she wants to participate. If we go out and eat a few times, she will insist that she must pay for a meal. And most time Umi does not listen. She wants it her way. Many times, when she insists “tak mau kacau anak-anak” actually the opposite is true. By not allowing us to help, it will actually make it harder for us. I am sure anyone of you who are lucky to have elderly parents or grandparents know for sure what I am talking about. Sometimes, I ‘geram nak mampus’. She moves with a walker, and she still wants to carry her own bag. She will ask you if you want something (to eat, to drink, or whatsoever…) a million times even we have said no nicely, a million times back. We tell her she can just sit and relax but she insists she wants to wash the plates. We hire a part time maid when we go back to Penang, and she will tell the lady not to come the next week as soon as we leave for KL or my sisters to the US. "Tak payah buat kueh raya, nak buat jugak". And, the list goes on. But the Quran sets very high standards. Not even a tiny weensy little slight minor rebuke is acceptable. Nay, the Quran ask us to “speak to them a noble word”!!! Honestly, while most days I do okay, but there are days that I failed. Especially when I am tired. I will snipe back, ‘awat Umi tak nak dengak cakap’ (Translation - Why don’t you listen, mother). Although these days I manage to dilute it with a humorous tone, but still, it is not to the Quran’s standard. My wish is, from 55 onward I do much better. This is something we all need to pay serious attention to. If one reads the verse carefully, you will notice that to be good to parents, is second to believing in God. Peace. Anas Zubedy Kathmandu, Nepal.