Thursday, May 30, 2024

Have a Meaningful KAAMATAN and GAWAI 2024

Have a Meaningful KAAMATAN and GAWAI

Feedback is like looking in the mirror, but more.
In his song “Man in the Mirror”, Michael Jackson inspires us to take a hard look at ourselves and challenge our shortcomings and biases. He wants us to change from within. It is good advice, but to rise above our own biases is not easy. We can be unaware of our blind spots. This is why feedback is important.
Feedback can be positive or negative information or criticism we receive to help us improve our performance. The key word here is PERFORMANCE. To benefit from feedback, we must be deeply curious to know how we perform. We must seek feedback about our strengths, weaknesses, and bad habits.
We can perform only from our strengths. Unfortunately, most of us do not really know what we are good at. Many try to hide our weaknesses even from ourselves, thus allowing little things to trip us daily. Not many are aware of our bad habits. Bad habits are the things we do that negate our strengths – the things we do or fail to do, that hinder our performance and effectiveness.
We urgently need feedback.
One effective way to check our strengths and performance is through feedback analysis. Write down what we expect to happen in the next 12 months and compare the results with our expectations. This method can help us discover what we do right, show us where we are not competent and make us aware if we are lying to ourselves.
Feedback analysis is urgent today more than ever. With a multigenerational workforce where each generation bring to the workplace a different way of working, feedback analysis can help determine performance and success.
With performance and feedback being our anchor, we can practice the lyrics from Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror”, “I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life. It's gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference. Gonna make it right”.
PEACE, anas
Tun Jugah
Tun Jugah (1903 - 1981) was a Malaysian politician from Sarawak. He played a fundamental role in the formation of Malaysia. For Malaysia to be successful, Semenanjung, Sarawak, and Sabah must always listen to each other’s feedback.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Have a Meaningful Wesak 2024 :How to be SUCCESSFUL and HAPPY – The 5A Formula


Have a Meaningful Wesak 2024

How to be SUCCESSFUL and HAPPY – The 5A Formula
No matter which generation we belong to, Gen X, Gen Y or Gen Z – to be successful and happy, we will need to learn how to align our goals to the goals of others. This ability is key for success as it is impossible to become successful working alone. We are social animals and we belong to society – we need others and they need us to make things happen.
We need to be skillful in aligning our goals with the goals of others. Here we share with you the 5A Formula outlining five key areas of alignments. Practicing them will not only bring us success, but also make our journey more joyous.
1. Align with our Company Goals and Values
It is very difficult to work well when our values and goals do not align with the organization’s. Waking up to go to work will be a bane. The good news is, most organizations have good goals and core values like teamwork, integrity, customer first and being innovative. These are values we could easily dive deeply into. We have to avoid companies that lack good values and ethics where our conscience questions us each time we look into the mirror.
2. Align with our Boss’s goals
Our immediate boss is our most important ally at work. Our main task is to make his job easier. We must work hard to make him successful. We help him achieve his business goals as our goals hinges on his. We must make his goals our goals. We must learn to “be like water” – never rigid and able to change forms. If a boss is a detailed person, we learn to be detailed too. If the boss is full of energy, we up our ante too. We do not complain about his peculiarities but instead enthuse about his strengths.
3. Align with our Customers’ goals
At the very core, customers pay our salary – not our company. They are the reason we go to work every day. Our organization’s success is dependent on whether we manage to fulfil the needs and wants of our customers. When we align our goals with our customers’ goals, we stop having a buyer-seller relationship. We become co-solution partners in making things happen to benefit both parties. Aligning our goals to our customers’ goals is one of the surest ways to make ourselves happy and successful at work.
4. Align with our Colleagues’ goals
Our colleagues are our family at work – Our Team. When we align our team goals towards the company and customer goals, we form a high performing team that motivates one another to be and do our best. We are able to overcome difficult challenges even in a highly tense environment because we know that we have each other’s backs. Silo mentality is foreign to us as we believe when we and our colleagues – team – align ourselves to company goals, we are successful.
5. Align with our Ownself
Finally, aligning with our own goals. We must practice writing them down. If we cannot, then we have not done enough thinking. Once written, reflect and be our own critic. It is vital that we be in touch with who we are today and who we can be tomorrow. Avoiding self-deception and knowing what it takes to achieve our goals. Know and accept our own limitations to avoid being delusional. What if you do not know your goals yet? Then, help others who know what they want to achieve. One of the better ways to discover our own calling besides reflection is through action.
May you and I, become successful and happy through the practice of the 5A Formula.
Peace and Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu, anas
Tun Tan Cheng Lock
Tun Tan Cheng Lock (April 5, 1883 - December 13, 1960 ) is a very good example of a
leader who managed to align his goal to the nation's goals, to Tunku's goals, the goals
of his colleagues and his major customers "The Malayan public". This alignment helped
us achieve our independence in becoming a successful nation.
April 5, 1883 - December 13, 1960