Thursday, May 30, 2024

Have a Meaningful KAAMATAN and GAWAI 2024

Have a Meaningful KAAMATAN and GAWAI

Feedback is like looking in the mirror, but more.
In his song “Man in the Mirror”, Michael Jackson inspires us to take a hard look at ourselves and challenge our shortcomings and biases. He wants us to change from within. It is good advice, but to rise above our own biases is not easy. We can be unaware of our blind spots. This is why feedback is important.
Feedback can be positive or negative information or criticism we receive to help us improve our performance. The key word here is PERFORMANCE. To benefit from feedback, we must be deeply curious to know how we perform. We must seek feedback about our strengths, weaknesses, and bad habits.
We can perform only from our strengths. Unfortunately, most of us do not really know what we are good at. Many try to hide our weaknesses even from ourselves, thus allowing little things to trip us daily. Not many are aware of our bad habits. Bad habits are the things we do that negate our strengths – the things we do or fail to do, that hinder our performance and effectiveness.
We urgently need feedback.
One effective way to check our strengths and performance is through feedback analysis. Write down what we expect to happen in the next 12 months and compare the results with our expectations. This method can help us discover what we do right, show us where we are not competent and make us aware if we are lying to ourselves.
Feedback analysis is urgent today more than ever. With a multigenerational workforce where each generation bring to the workplace a different way of working, feedback analysis can help determine performance and success.
With performance and feedback being our anchor, we can practice the lyrics from Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror”, “I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life. It's gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference. Gonna make it right”.
PEACE, anas
Tun Jugah
Tun Jugah (1903 - 1981) was a Malaysian politician from Sarawak. He played a fundamental role in the formation of Malaysia. For Malaysia to be successful, Semenanjung, Sarawak, and Sabah must always listen to each other’s feedback.

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