Daniel, one of the lead in i.gemz used to work with zubedy. I often seek his opinion and ideas whenever I want to know more about Buddhism. He has given me a few really helpful books too. A very talented writer, he and his gang recently launched a second album. Many of the songs are universal in nature and inspirational. Do check it out.
To daniel and frenz, sadhu! sadhu! sadhu!
Buddhist Gem Fellowship (BGF) launched i.gemz’s 2nd album – “Rainbow of Blessings” on Saturday, 15th May 2010 at 10.00am at BGF Centre, 60A, Jalan 19/3, 46300 Petaling Jaya. The launch ceremony was officiated by Datuk Dr Victor Wee, President of Buddhist Gem Fellowship.
Under the parentage and guidance of BGF, i.gemz aims to promote the teachings of the Buddha and inspire spiritual friendship amongst listeners through inspirational music. Having successfully launched their debut album “Cradled in Buddha's Arms” in 2005, i.gemz is happy to launch their 2nd album, entitled “Rainbow of Blessings”.
BGF realizes that spiritual youth development is one of the most important aspects of promoting the growth of Buddhism amongst youth. i.gemz is embracing this challenge by sharing their new songs, each containing reflections from the Buddha's vast teachings. In Rainbow of Blessings album, the songs speak of the importance of maintaining spiritual friendships, reaching out to those in need of companionship, practicing the Buddha's teachings, and being thankful and grateful for all blessings received.
Why the 2nd Album?
When i.gemz was first formed in 2003, they were simply a group of like-minded friends with a common passion for Buddhism and Buddhist music.
With the passage of time, i.gemz realized that they had an obligation towards the Buddhist community. There was a need to encourage the Buddhist youth’s spiritual development through inspirational music. With this aim in mind, they set forth to record their first album, Cradled in Buddha's Arms, which was released in December 2005. The songs in that album have since been a part of the popular culture among the young English-speaking Buddhists, gracing events such as INCOVAR Dhamma Camps, Inter Sunday School Hymns Singing Competitions, and large scale local and international Buddhist concerts. The song, “Cradled in Buddha’s Arms” has become a staple in many Sunday services, while songs such as “My Beautiful Friend” and “Reach Out” have been widely sung for promoting spiritual friendship and compassion in action.
Under the parentage and guidance of BGF, i.gemz aims to promote the teachings of the Buddha and inspire spiritual friendship amongst listeners through inspirational music. Having successfully launched their debut album “Cradled in Buddha's Arms” in 2005, i.gemz is happy to launch their 2nd album, entitled “Rainbow of Blessings”.
BGF realizes that spiritual youth development is one of the most important aspects of promoting the growth of Buddhism amongst youth. i.gemz is embracing this challenge by sharing their new songs, each containing reflections from the Buddha's vast teachings. In Rainbow of Blessings album, the songs speak of the importance of maintaining spiritual friendships, reaching out to those in need of companionship, practicing the Buddha's teachings, and being thankful and grateful for all blessings received.
Why the 2nd Album?
When i.gemz was first formed in 2003, they were simply a group of like-minded friends with a common passion for Buddhism and Buddhist music.
With the passage of time, i.gemz realized that they had an obligation towards the Buddhist community. There was a need to encourage the Buddhist youth’s spiritual development through inspirational music. With this aim in mind, they set forth to record their first album, Cradled in Buddha's Arms, which was released in December 2005. The songs in that album have since been a part of the popular culture among the young English-speaking Buddhists, gracing events such as INCOVAR Dhamma Camps, Inter Sunday School Hymns Singing Competitions, and large scale local and international Buddhist concerts. The song, “Cradled in Buddha’s Arms” has become a staple in many Sunday services, while songs such as “My Beautiful Friend” and “Reach Out” have been widely sung for promoting spiritual friendship and compassion in action.
As the songs from their first CD became popular with English-speaking Buddhists, the i.gemz soon realized that the demand for contemporary Buddhist music is great. They are continuing the trend set in motion by the pioneer of English Dharma songs, the Wayfarers. With this in mind, they made a commitment to share their inspirational songs and messages.
Rainbow of Blessings contains 11 songs that speak of the importance of spiritual friendships, meaningful companionship, the practice of the Buddha's teachings, and being thankful and grateful for all blessings received. More diverse than these themes are the variety of musical genre of these songs- pop, hymnal, country, bossanova – yet all infusing the most important aspects of the BuddhaDharma.
i.gemz hope that fans and listeners will be inspired by their songs from their second CD, and be inspired to learn and practice the BuddhaDharma. This is i.gemz’s small way of promoting the growth of Buddhism and encouraging the Buddhist youth’s spiritual development.
Profile of i.gemz
i.gemz is a well-regarded and popular Buddhist musical group in Malaysia which aims to promote the teachings of the Buddha through inspirational music, as well as to inspire spiritual friendship amongst listeners.
Formed in the year 2003 as a group of musically-inclined friends, they have a common passion for singing, songwriting and sharing inspirational contemporary Buddhist hymns.
They have performed in various local and international events, notably the Buddhist Arts and Culture Festival, the International Buddhist Youth Exchange program, and the Global Conference on Buddhism and lately the Sound of Compassion. Their songs are fresh and vibrant, subtly reflecting upon the Buddha's teachings and values.
Currently, i.gemz consists of 10 members whose diverse skills range from singing to songwriting, from musical arrangement to production.
1 comment:
Bless you Anas for being inclusive and showing the way. It is with this attitude that all Malaysians can come together as one.
Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia!
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