
Sunday, July 21, 2024


I refer to the Sunday Star Says column headline today that reads, “Let this royal installation inspire us to unite”.
The article suggests that while the throne of the YDP Agong is more than just a symbol of the country’s KEDAULATAN, it also carries among others the duties of ensuring the nation’s wellbeing, the rakyat’s interest and more importantly, the people’s unity. In the Royal Address, the YDP Agong calls us to pray to God to bless Malaysia to progress and prosper, live peacefully, happily and in unity. The article also stressed that while the YDP Agong plays an important unifying figure, we the rakyat must also play our part and COMMIT to do better. In order to commit to do better, we must first identify and define the roadblocks that are hindering us in achieving our goals.
This article proposes that one of our biggest roadblocks to progress and prosper, let alone be united, is the practice of HYPOCRISY that is prevalent within the nation. For example, it is hypocrisy that is holding us back from holistically dealing with graft with the comprehensiveness needed to really achieve the goals of the National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) and break the chains of corruption. It is akin to patching the holes of a boat at the bow yet allowing water to gush in from the holes at the stern. The boat will still sink.
What is hypocrisy?
Hypocrisy is a negative trait that involves dishonesty, deception and deceit. It is a pattern of behaviour of those who say one thing but do another. It is a sickness of the heart. It is the sin of pretending to virtue or goodness thus avoiding looking at the shortcomings within and figuring out our true compass. Hypocrisy makes us sincerely belief that we should not be held to the same standards and accountability as the others, simply because, we have better intentions. Hypocrisy helps us rationalise wrongdoings. How else can one justify the murder of thousands of children, women and the elderly in Gaza without hypocrisy stemming from a sick heart?
Those who practice hypocrisy is called a hypocrite. Generally, we can regard a hypocrite as a morally‐corrupt person who consciously and deliberately deceive others in order to further their own interests.
The Prophet’s identification of hypocrites is crisp. He said,
“Four traits whoever possesses them is a hypocrite and whoever possesses some of them has an element of hypocrisy until he leaves it: the one who when he speaks, he lies, when he promises he breaks his promise, when he disputes, he transgresses and when he makes an agreement, he violates it” - Sahih Muslim and Bukhari
How can we unite against hypocrisy?
To work with the YDP Agong and achieve his prayer, there are many actions we need to commit to in mitigating and fighting hypocrisy. I would like to focus on two - The Leadership-Followership dynamics.
Firstly, we must not support, vote or empower anyone who practice hypocrisy to leadership positions – regardless of the political party that they represent, race or religious background or age. This is made easier in the next general election as we have had the luxury of having sampled the leadership of many through the political coalitions, in one way or the other, since the last few changes of governments.
As a point of reference, we can use the four clear and concise traits as explained by the Prophet to make our decision. We do not support nor put in leadership positions those who; -
1. Whenever they speak, they lie.
2. Whenever they promise, they do not keep.
3. Whenever they dispute, they transgress.
4. Whenever they make an agreement, they violate it.
To those who are already in power, we must feedback them on their hypocrisy. Demand them to do what they say and pressure that they avoid practicing double standards. Do not take their hypocrisy in silence. Perchance they may think that we condone the behaviour and they can get away with it.
Secondly, we must purge our own hypocritical tendencies. Leaders can only exist when they have followers. Followers create leaders. We are the pillars that hold them up. Without us, their house crumbles and their hypocrisy have no place to do harm. We need to be truthful, reflect and check if we have allowed the sickness in our hearts give birth to hypocritical tendencies that choose others who are hypocritical too to lead us.
Having said that, if we were honest with our intentions and were genuinely duped by the Oscar level acting by those who have betrayed us with their veiled hypocrisy, we must remember at heart the English idiom, “Once bitten, twice shy” and act accordingly in the next elections. Failing which, we are nothing but incorrigible foolish followers destined to forever be the football of deceitful leaders.
We must first be honest with our own self. As Confucius say, “an honest person must avoid hypocrisy”.
As our first act to commit to YDP Agong’s prayer for the nation, send this article to your leaders. Tell them you are watching them, especially those who have betrayed you. Tell them in no uncertain terms their hypocrisy is now in the open.
“ Negaraku, Tanah tumpahnya darahku, Rakyat hidup, bersatu dan maju.
Rahmat Bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan, Raja kita, selamat bertakhta”
Anas Zubedy
Kuala Lumpur
Note: picture from Sinar Harian

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