
Friday, June 29, 2018


Apakah pakaian terbaik di sisi Allah dan Al Quran?

Di dalam perbincangan yang berterusan berkenaan etika pemakaian, kita mungkin telah memberi perhatian kepada sesuatu yang remeh.

Al-Quran telah meletakkan panduan yang jelas tentang apakah pakaian yang terbaik. Semakin Orang Islam mengikut Al-Quran, semakin kita dipandu olehnya. Ia menjadi petunjuk dan hidayah kita.

Jika sebaliknya, kita dengan mudah tersesat jauh daripada Allah. Kita perlu jelas akan apa yang perlu lebih diberi perhatian mengikut hidayah Al-Quran, dan seterusnya bertindak dengan sewajarnya. Ikut Al Quran dahulu.

Al-Quran melalui ayat dibawah, dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa pakaian terbaik adalah pakaian Taqwa. 

"Hai anak Adam, sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan kepadamu pakaian untuk menutup auratmu dan pakaian indah untuk perhiasan. Dan pakaian takwa itulah yang paling baik. Yang demikian itu adalah sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, mudah-mudahan mereka selalu ingat."

Al Quran 7:26

Memberi perhatian terhadap Taqwa adalah suatu petanda daripada Allah yg mesti di ambil penting. Kalau kita memberi perhatian terhadap lain-lain perkara dan bukan sifat takwa bererti kita lupa dengan Quran. Lupa pada Allah. 

Di dalam ayat lain, Al-Quran juga menyamakan kemuliaan kepada ketaqwaan. Ayat ini memanggil seluruh umat manusia untuk menghakimi maruah, kesopanan, kesantunan serta budi pekerti seseorang dengan ketaqwaan mereka.

Pada pandangan Allah, orang yang terpuji adalah mereka yang paling bertakwa. Di sini di dalam Al-Quran menekankan bahawa Allah maha mengetahui dan Allah yang paling boleh meneliti .

Kegagalan untuk mematuhi Allah dan Al Quran boleh menempatkan kita dalam golongan orang-orang yang jahil.

 “Wahai manusia! Sungguh, Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan, kemudian Kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku agar kamu saling mengenal. Sesungguhnya yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertaqwa. Sungguh, Allah Maha Mengetahui, Mahateliti.”

 Al-Quran 49:13

Secara semantiknya, Al-Quran telah menyenaraikan ciri-ciri ketaqwaan di dalam ayat di bawah.

“Kebajikan itu bukanlah menghadapkan wajahmu ke arah timur dan ke barat, tetapi kebajikan itu ialah (kebajikan) orang yang beriman kepada Allah, hari akhir, malaikat-malaikat, kitab-kitab, dan nabi-nabi dan memberikan harta yang dicintainya kepada kerabat, anak yatim, orang-orang miskin, orang-orang yang dalam perjalanan (musafir), peminta-minta, dan untuk memerdekakan hamba sahaya, yang melaksanakan shalat dan menunaikan zakat, orang-orang yang menepati janji apabila berjanji, dan orang yang sabar dalam kemelaratan, penderitaan dan pada masa peperangan. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang benar, dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang bertakwa.” 

Al-Quran 2:177

Pakaian apakah yang kita sering perhati? Pakaian luaran ataupun pakaian Taqwa? Kenapa kita ghairah dengan AURAT sedangkan Al-Quran menyuruh kita perhatikan pakaian TAKWA?



Monday, June 11, 2018

Salam Hari Raya - Selasa di Sinar Harian

Jadikan Malaysia Negara Cemerlang: Ubah… Marilah Menangani Fasa Peralihan!*

Perubahan adalah sesuatu yang tentunya pasti. Namun sesetengah perubahan mempunyai impak yang lebih. Hari ini, negara kita sedang mengharungi perubahan yang mampu mewujudkan satu anjakan yang penting untuk masa depan kita. Kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia mesti tahu cara terbaik untuk mencapai matlamat perubahan terutamanya bagaimana untuk menangani dan menguruskan fasa peralihan.

1. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan fasa peralihan?
Perubahan mempunyai tiga fasa - masa kini, fasa peralihan dan masa depan yang diingini. Kita perlu bersedia untuk melepaskan keselesaan masa kini, untuk mencapai matlamat perubahan. Walau bagaimanapun, kita tidak boleh mengelak daripada fasa peralihan - tempoh perubahan yang tidak selesa. Sebagai contoh, jika kita memutuskan untuk bersenam selepas tempoh tidak aktif, kita akan melalui fasa peralihan dengan kesakitan otot. Tetapi jika kita beristiqamah dan bersenam secara konsisten, sakit tersebut kian hilang. Dengan itu, matlamat perubahan tercapai.

2. Bagaimana untuk menangani fasa peralihan?
Jangan sesekali melawannya. Semakin dilawan, semakin bertambah susah. Fasa peralihan tidak mempunyai tempoh tamat kerana ia adalah satu ilusi. Ia hanya wujud dalam minda kita, sebagai beban mental – satu sempadan palsu. Sebaik sahaja kita menerima fasa peralihan dengan hati yang terbuka, kesakitan yang dirasa akan hilang. Di pejabat, anda mungkin perlu berurusan dengan bos baru. Di rumah, ahli keluarga baru. Sebagai seorang anak muda Malaysia, berubah dari seorang pelajar kepada menjadi orang dewasa yang bekerja. Sebagai sebuah negara, bergerak politik yang berasaskan kaum dan agama kepada politik yang lebih inklusif dan muhibbah. Semakin cepat kita menerima fasa peralihan, semakin pantas kita melonjak ke hadapan.

3. Bilakah kita harus menangani fasa peralihan?
Hakikat bahawa perubahan itu pasti kini adalah sesuatu klise. Oleh kerana perubahan adalah berterusan, kita akan sentiasa berada dalam fasa peralihan. Untuk berjaya, kita perlu mencari keseimbangan dan keselesaan dalam fasa peralihan setiap masa. Sebagai contoh, matlamat perpaduan akan sentiasa berterusan. Pencapaian ekonomi tiada titik akhirnya. Cara mana kita mempersiapkan generasi akan datang juga akan mengharungi cubaan yang berterusan. Kita mesti bersedia untuk berubah berkali-kali supaya kita tidak sama sekali mundur dan menjadi tidak relevan. Oleh itu, keupayaan dan kesediaan kita untuk menangani fasa peralihan harus dijadikan kemahiran yang kita mesti ada.
Di zubedy, sumber kekuatan program latihan kami ialah nilai-nilai murni dan tradisi yang dikongsi bersama. Kami percaya dalam hati rakyat Malaysia, kita mahukan yang terbaik untuk setiap anak-anak Malaysia kerana negara kita tidak akan berjaya jika ada yang tertinggal.

Kita haruslah belajar untuk berubah dan menangani fasa peralihan untuk menjadikan Malaysia Negara CEMERLANG.

Usahakan yang terbaik,
Hayatilah Hari Raya.

*Idea dalam mesej ini adalah sebahagian daripada konsep teras program “Making A Difference through P3“ (Laksana Perubahan melalui P3) kami.

Have a Meaningful Hari Raya - Tuesday in The Star

Make Malaysia GREAT: Change… Let’s Manage the Transition Phase!*

Change is constant yet some changes have more impact than others. Today, our nation is going through a change that will create a significant shift to our future. We as a nation must know how best to achieve our change goals. To do that, it is crucial that we know how to manage the transition phase.

1. What is the transition phase?
In a simple equation, change has three phases – the present, the transition and the desired future. We need to be willing to let go the comfort and security of the present, in order to achieve change goals. However, we cannot skip the transition phase – the uncomfortable period of change. For example, if we decide to exercise after a long period of inactiveness, we will go through a transition phase of muscle pain. But if we are willing to stay the course and persist, the pain will go away. Only then, we will achieve the desired change. 

2. How to manage the transition phase?
Do not fight it. The more you fight, the longer it stays. The transition phase has no expiry as it is not real. It exists only in our minds, a mental burden – an artificial boundary. Once we accept the transition phase with an open heart, the pain will simply slip away. In the office, you may have to deal with a new boss. At home, a new family member. As a young Malaysian, changing from being a student to a working adult. As a nation, moving from race or religious based politics to one that is more inclusive and muhibbah. The sooner we let go and embrace the transition phase, the faster we leap forward.

3. When to manage the transition phase?
That change is constant is now a cliché. Since change is constant, we will always be in the transition phase. To succeed, we need to be able to find balance and comfort in transition all the time. Unity is a work in progress. Our economy too. How we prepare the future generations will also need constant making and remaking. We must be willing to change and change and change again, or become obsolete. This makes the ability and willingness to manage the transition phase a skill and attitude that we all must have.
At zubedy, our programs and activities draw strength from our shared values and traditions. We believe that at heart, all Malaysians want good things for themselves and for their brother and sister Malaysians, simply because our nation cannot prosper as a whole if some of us are left behind.

You and I, we need to learn and be willing to manage the transition phase and Make Malaysia Great!

Let us add value,
Have a meaningful Hari Raya.

*The idea presented in this message is part of our Making A Difference through P3 program’s core concept.

Sunday, June 10, 2018


Siti Kasim is a friend.

Yes, she is loud. Very loud. She does not need any loud speakers. If we disagree about something even about the taste of the food served, be sure that the entire restaurant will hear her opinion. She may even give me ‘the finger’ followed with a four-lettered word but always accompanied immediately with her roaring signature laughter that will ring all over the room. No, she is not yelling. And no, she is not angry. That is her voice. She meant well. That is her style. She is who she is. She does not pretend. She is not a hypocrite. If you cannot handle that, just don’t join in. Just turn away lah…

But anyone who knows Siti will vouched that she is a wonderful and caring person. She is hard in the outside, but very soft in the inside. She has a very good heart. She is a friend that you can rely on anytime. She is fun to be with, a little unconventional perhaps but definitely a sunshine.

If you are in trouble, if someone bullies you, if you are poor and can’t afford a representation, if you are a marginalized group whose voice needs to be heard – you want Siti Kasim to be on your side. Siti at heart is a kind and good Muslim. The Prophet too fights for the poor, the marginalized and those in need. Siti represents that part of Islam in her colored hair and flamboyant style. Look at the substance and not the form … please.

As such, with all due respect to the good Perlis Mufti, Dr Asri, may I suggest you change your approach and target group. Instead of having an open dialogue, perhaps you can do the following.

Your Target Group

Firstly, change your target group. May I humbly suggest that instead of dealing with Siti, you should aim your focus towards the Muslims who are too weak in faith and easily shaken, overly judgmental and some, outrightly dangerous.

Let me explain.

Siti Kasim is a Muslim. She may disagree with the way mainstream Islam interprets the Quran, but she still uses the Quran as her guidance, her hidayah. In other words, the disagreement is about the interpretations. For example, the hair as aurat. Siti disagrees with the idea that the tudung is an important part of being a Muslim as she sees that there is no requirement to wear the tudung in the Quran. Her conviction is from her own understanding of the Quran. The Quran is still her hidayah! Whether she is right or wrong, I believe it is secondary to the fact that she found her guidance from the Quran. Even grand ulamas disagrees in many interpretations of the Quran – they too follow their own convictions. They too, use the Quran as their hidayah. Just like Siti Kasim.

Yet scores of Muslim due to Siti’s stand on some interpretation of the Quran and Islam have demanded that she is a murtad, anti-Islam, and many want her to be prosecuted and some has gone as far as wanting her dead!

May I suggest the good Perlis Mufti and all other Muftis and religious teachers help make Muslims less judgmental, kinder and more importantly fortify their faith so that they won’t be too easily shaken. Perhaps the good Perlis Mufti and other religious leaders can use the Quran’s story about Abu Lahab and his wife, Umm Jameel as a basic guide.

For the benefit of those who are not familiar with Abu Lahab, let me provide some background.

Unlike Siti who is a Muslim, a lover of the Quran and the Prophet and not a foe of Islam, Abu Lahab is the only person from the enemies of Islam who has been cursed by name in the Holy Qur’an. Thus, he is the number one reference for all Muslims as far as an individual who can be considered a true enemy of Islam. How the Quran and the Prophet dealt with him should form the standard operating procedure on how to deal with individual enemies of Islam.

Although he was an uncle of the Prophet he staunchly opposed Islam from the very beginning till his death. A whole short chapter (Chapter 111 – Al Masad) of the Quran is about him and his wife.

“The power of Abu Lahab will perish, and he will perish.
His wealth and gains will not exempt him.
He will be plunged in flaming Fire,
And his wife, the wood-carrier,
Will have upon her neck a halter of palm-fibre.”
Quran 111: 1-5

The Quran predicted they will die a non-believer. In other words, they will be enemies of Islam till death. They will not change. Their hearts are locked. Yet, there were no prosecution, no shariah call to put them in jail. Instead, the Quran said that their punishment will come only during the hereafter. These two enemies of Islam who insulted the Prophet at every chance and yet there was no call for indictment!

According to historians, Abu Lahab and Umm Jameel brought excrements and offensive materials in the middle of the night to leave them in front of the Prophet’s home. All the Prophet did was announcing that it was a bad neighborly behavior and he simply threw the rubbish away. Umm Jameel is known to throw thorny bushes in the path of the Prophet to hurt him!!!

Abu Lahab made it his job to follow the Prophet wherever he goes when the Prophet share the message of Islam. He forcefully encourages people to not listen to the Prophet, to ignore him. At times Abu Lahab will chase and throw stones at the Prophet to stop him from spreading the message. Yet again, there was no calls to prosecute him. No shariah law thrown at him, no sedition and no death threats. Just Allah, promising he and his wife will suffer in the afterlife.

Today, a simple cartoon depicting The Prophet in a wrong way can make thousands of Muslims go out of control rioting and running amok. Some died during the madness - wasteful unnecessary deaths! It is obvious that we have failed to deliver and explain the Quran to the average Muslims.

In Malaysia, Siti Kasim’s non-tudung colored hair or a celebrity’s tight clothing can make many Muslims go into conniptions. A tudung clad female politician like Nurul Izzah is not spared either! A touched a dog campaign causes unnecessary fear to a kind-hearted Muslim like Syed Azmi who oozes with love and compassion. Have our religious leaders failed to explain the Quran and stress on the core examples and values of the Prophet? Have we failed to advise one another patience and compassion?

How did the Prophet behave? How did he deal with Abu Lahab? How did he deal with Muslims and Non-Muslims during his time? Let us let the Quran explain.

“So by mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah . Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him].”.
Quran 3:159

“There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful.”
Quran 9:128

“And then being among those who believed and advised one another to patience and advised one another to compassion.”
Quran 90:17

To understand how kind and compassionate The Prophet was, history showed that Abu Lahab’s own children who survived him later converted to Islam and became fervent proponents of Islam. Would that have happened if the Prophet behaved otherwised?

I pray the good Perlis Mufti and all other religious leaders share and stress the Prophet’s way of compassion, kindness and sure faith in Allah and the Quran when dealing with challenges. Leave Siti Kasim alone, build each own’s Iman. Siti is just a Muslim who say outright what she feels and think about Islam. Many others feel and think the same but do so less loudly. You don’t have to impose your interpretation of the Quran at her. That is her choice. If you worry your children or others terikut-ikut  with her understanding, spend more time strengthening their faith not picking on Siti and the likes.

She is no Abu Lahab. Even individuals like Abu Lahab and his wife, the Quran ask us to leave them to God’s discretion. Stop persecuting and hounding people because of their ideas and interpretation of the Quran. Stop forcing your thoughts onto others. Practice Quran 2:256. Believe with all out hearts that there should not be any compulsion in religion. Between Muslims and Muslims and between Muslims and Non-Muslims.

Have a closed dialogue instead.

Secondly, instead of having an open dialogue, have a closed one. Get to know Siti Kasim, since you are interested. See through the form, look for the substance and discover her heart. Spend time with her when she goes into the jungle to care for the Orang Asli and fight for the poor. Chat with her about how and why she sees Islam the way she knows it today. The good Perlis Mufti must remember, when Siti talks about Islam she is not paid. She earns money by being a Muslim, not preaching Islam. She earns her income through her work as a lawyer.

And as I suggested at the beginning of this article, she is a friend and I know her. Even when she struggles with money, she helps the poor. I know that for certain. Siti works hard pleading here and there for funds to do good for those without power, without representation. She is not in it for the money! That is a sign of a true Muslim. The good Mufti must remember, when he speaks about Islam, he is paid a wage. Siti is not. We need to give due recognition to those who spend their own money spreading their conviction about Islam.

Last but not least, when you dialogue about Islam and the Quran with Siti Kasim or anyone for that matter, I plead you enter the dialogue as an equal. That is the basis of any dialogue. As the Quran says,

“And do not walk upon the earth exultantly. Indeed, you will never tear the earth [apart], and you will never reach the mountains in height.”
Quran 17:37

And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea [was ink], replenished thereafter by seven [more] seas, the words of Allah would not be exhausted. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
Quran 31:27

Anas Zubedy
Kuala Lumpur