
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Have a Meaningful HARI MALAYSIA 2024


We are fortunate to experience five generations working side by side. We can leverage the strengths of the young, middle-aged and the elders. Key to success is focusing on the positives and minimizing the negatives through the 6Cs.
1. Communication
Firstly, take responsibility to communicate well. Tell the other what you are good at and seek the other when you need help. Seek to understand and be understood. Talk. Listen. Feedback. Respond. Act.
2. Compromise
To compromise, we must be willing to make concessions. No one generation can get everything their way. However, it is key to focus on corporate goals. The platform to achieve them can change, but the goals must remain. So, compromise and make things happen.
3. Complement
Each generation can bring to the table skills, perspectives and ideas that can complement the other. Leveraging these complementary skills can vastly benefit the company and each team member. Harnessing the strengths, minimizing weaknesses and checking on bad habits from each generation is an important formula to succeed.
4. Collaboration
When we communicate, compromise and complement each other better, we create collaboration. Collaboration produces better outcomes than working in a silo. We become a powerhouse. Get everyone on the same page by placing the organization’s goals as the DNA to collaborate.
5. Compassion
Compassion allows us to feel the challenges, pains, and hardships of others. We understand the other better without being judgemental. We learn to accept and appreciate the other generation’s struggle. Compassion is key to opening our hearts and minds towards the other.
6. Commitment
No endeavour can succeed without commitment. Commitment can be as basic as being always punctual or pushing oneself to the highest limits to complete a difficult task. Regardless of which generation we represent, we must be committed to communicate, compromise, complement, collaborate and act with compassion to make things work between us and achieve the organization’s goals.
The 6C is a universal concept. As such, it can also be used to help Malaysians work better together towards better unity.
Let us add value,
Have A Meaningful Hari Malaysia.
Peace, anas
* Datuk Dr Goh Cheng Teik (1943–2019), a Penangite, began his career as an educator before venturing into Malaysian politics. He was a well-respected leader who was a genuine advocate of unity and clean politics. He is a role model to follow.

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