We need your help. Can you help us
get your company to #HostSomethingNice between Hari Merdeka to Hari Malaysia?
Bring this idea and propose it to your top
management or corporate affairs
What is #HostSomethingNice?
#HostSomethingNice is a campaign to
get corporate leaders and organisations to encourage their staff to host a makan-makan
at their
homes or office in small groups
between people of different races, religions and origins between Hari Merdeka
to Hari Malaysia
Why #HostSomethingNice?
We have strong convictions that the
business organisation is one of the best platforms to bring Malaysians
together – a platform for UNITY. Business
leaders need to provide leadership
and avenues to unite the nation. We need to fill up the leadership gap -
urgently. Many Malaysians who grew up
apart, make friends from another
race and faith at the work place either as colleagues or customers. This is a
strength that we can work on. As
such, we would like to ask for
your help to tap this strength the coming Merdeka month to unite Malaysians.

#HostSomethingNice as part of the #SaySomethingNice Campaign
#SaySomethingNice Campaign (#SSNC)
is a UNITY campaign.
It is an annual campaign organised
by Zubedy and
friends since 2011 covering the period between August 31st Hari
Merdeka to September 16th Hari Malaysia. The aim
of the campaign is to create a
positive Malaysia by 'creating million moments of unity'. As a nation, we
swing from moments of unity to moments of disunity and vice
versa. The more moments of unity we
create, the more we dilute the voices of disunity. This is our way forward.
For further information on the
#HostSomethingNice, please do not hesitate to contact our
campaign coordinator Syairah at
03-7733 6919 or email syairah@zubedy.com
Interested in being part of the
#SSNC? Watch this space for updates!
Let us #HostSomethingNice and pay attention to our strength as one
zubedy has
been around since 1994. We are a for-profit organisation with a social cause.
Our experiences in human development training and unity efforts have benefited
many individuals and organisations over the years.
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