
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Have a Meaningful Hari Malaysia -MALAYSIA 2023: REFLECT, RESET, REGROUP, AND RELAUNCH


Have a Meaningful Hari Malaysia


The last few years have been a series of trials for Malaysia. Besides facing the covid crisis, we also had to deal with both political and economic uncertainties. While the economy is poised to do better, our politics is best described as messy. This is due to the years of deteriorating political behaviour and culture. Should we not, as a nation, stop and REFLECT?

Since Rancangan 16 September in 2008, we have demonstrated that we are not ready to have a government without a super majority. Langkah Sheraton is simply the offspring of Rancangan 16 September – the only difference it succeeded while the other failed.

The CRAB CULTURE among our politicians is thick. Each trying to pull the other down when the other side does not have a comfortable majority. Coupled with our inability as a whole to be honest on both sides, we breed leaders who are good at pointing at the other side but fail to acknowledge their own hypocrisy.

Perhaps it is timely to emulate our founding father’s formula of forming a formidable coalition with a wide-based partnership that caters for the needs of all Malaysians via representations in the government. Should we not RESET our goals?

 In 1957, we came together and formed the Alliance with the goal of MERDEKA. In 1963, we got together and formed MALAYSIA. In 1973 – we pulled together after the aftermath of the 1969 riot to form the wide-based Barisan Nasional to focus on development – not just our economy, but our people as a whole. Next year in 2023, 50 years on, is it not time for us to REGROUP to RELAUNCH the nation?

Let’s come together and RELAUNCH the nation but this time ensure we do not deviate from the “straight path” as we have done the last 50 years. We must not just strengthen our Judiciary and MACC and other government bodies that ensure check and balance, but also embark on serious political, ethical and constitutional education and correct our moral compass. In that way, we do not repeat the mistake of producing leaders who fail us.

Malaysia 2023, let’s Reflect, Reset, Regroup, and Relaunch.

Have a Meaningful Hari Malaysia.

Peace, anas



Tunku, Bapa Malaysia and Tun Razak, Bapa Pembangunan Malaysia - our founding fathers who formed formidable coalitions with a wide-based partnership that caters for the needs of all Malaysians via representations in the government.

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