The previous ones are :
- Development Without Corruption
- A First-Rate Education
Have A Meaningful Vaisakhi

Politicians who cooperate and compete to make Malaysia a better place.
Politicians on both sides oppose one another but they are not enemies.
Both sides are working for the same cause—a better Malaysia. Both sides are entrusted by the rakyat to ensure an improved future for a peaceful nation.
It is about the rakyat and the country not party politics.
Politics is neutral; it is politicians that make it good or bad.Political parties are just platforms. If politicians do not practice good values, the rakyat will be disillusioned with politics. If politicians practice good values the rakyat will view politics positively. Politicians, please act with care.
There must be a spirit of cooperation within the framework of competition. Work with the legacy passed to you, take the positives and negatives without attachment and *Define what you need to do. Envision a better future and take necessary Actions. Reflect and provide hope.
Do not blame others, do your job and above all else, make sure your own people are first-rate. Focus on internal organization and don’t poke holes on the other side. Great leaders win by strengthening their own team.
Giani Zail Singh helped the poor by eradicating economic disparities.
He was the first Sikh to be the President of India in 1982. From his humble beginnings till his death, he worked and put people and nation first.
At zubedy, our programs draw strength from shared values and traditions. We believe at the heart, all Malaysians want good things for themselves and for their brother and sister Malaysians, simply because our nation cannot prosper as a whole if some of us are left behind. Regardless of race and politics, all Malaysians want our politicians to cooperate and compete to make Malaysia a better place.
Brother and sister Malaysians, let’s work together to create competitive politics within the spirit of cooperation.
Let us add value,
Have a meaningful Vaisakhi
*This advertisement is based on the concept of the DEAR Cycle (Define, Envision. Act and Reflect) taught in our Making A Difference program.
you truly speak for us. :)
And this is how many of us came to know who Anas Zubedy was and what his true calling in life was..
To a better Malaysia..
It is the week of New Years for everyone from the South Indian continent. To everyone, may you have a blessed New Year and may providence find its way to your life..
May the new year both Punjabi and Hindu (oh well,just one day difference) bring us all harmony and prosperity. It is ideal thinking to want politicians to have virtues of true leaders. That song "you can't always get what you want" is almost always true. Nevertheless, hope is what makes us all human.
I recently attended a talk that amongst many other beneficial reminder as a take home message, is "the good people are normally the minority". Let's pray and work toward making that minority to a majority.....HAPPY VISAKHI to all Malaysians!!
Referring to your ad: Hear ye, hear ye. :D Thanks.
You trully embody the meaning of being a human. may god bless you and have a long and properous life.
God speed.
awesome :-)
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